Friday, April 9, 2010

my little zoob zoob

"come here my little zoob zoob"
that's what a patient at the VA said to me yesterday when he wanted me to see pictures of him from his time in korea. He then proceeded to tell me to not settle for the good looking man you see in pictures. "marry the man that can provide for you and take care of you, the man that loves you".
Very true sir. This guy was a sweetie, warning me that when i took his tempuratue that it would be over 100, becuase two student nurses were with him. what a guy. haha.

I had another patient that said that "God has given me all these extra years after my heart attack. I can't waste them." also very true. every morning when we wake up, just think, God has given me another day. Make the best of it. This guy was so positive. I want to be like that.
"ignore what bad has happened and don't let them ruin the good that will"

...There's no feeling, like the feeling you get, when a patient you are caring for, smiles at you, even though he is not doing well. Even though it sucks that the best you can do is smile back, their returning wink makes it a little better.
So thank you patients of P1 semester: the biter, the winker, the difficult, the joker, the talker.
thanks for teaching me.

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